Welcome to Shifted Racing
Want to encourage our racing? We have random stuff to sell.
The traditional path is expensive
Racing is for the wealthy...
...or so you've been told.
Shifted Racing is founded on doing a lot with less.
Work with us, train hard, and you may be surprised where you end up.
We know the hacks... because we came up with them.
Shifted Racing is all about doing a lot with less.
The reality of most, is that money is limited. As the saying goes: ingeniosity is born from necessity.
The unfortunate path of many is to ignore budget and follow the dream. This leads to prematurely quitting the sport.
The truth is; that even at high levels of motorsport, budgets need to be respected.
But what is really needed to compete in entry level motorsport?
Challenging 'status quo' every day, we practice racing on the 'cheap'.
We invite people to the team all the time so they can understand what it takes.
Are you aspiring to rally or race? Send us a DM asking to accompany us to an event.
It'll be our pleasure to drop you into the battle field.